Tag Archives: The King of Wands

King of Wands – Confident and Charasmatic Leader

iluminati King of WandsThe King of wands is a court card. Court cards are part of the minor arcana and can be very difficult to decipher as they can represent many things such as personality traits of the querent, the person the querent is inquiring about, various situations, and the elements of their suit.

The element for wands is fire. I will discuss court cards in greater length in a separate blog.  Like the queen of  wands, the  king of wands is very sexual in nature and bears the same sunflower emblem as the queen of wands.  In addition, the king of wands has the emblem leo on his throne which indicates his courage, dignity and self-pride. The Salamander at his feet indicates that the king of wands is a master of creative fire.

The king of wands is a charismatic leader in authority who is strong-minded and uses his will to dominate others.   The king of wands can also be egotistical and hot-headed. However, he is very passionate about life and lives life to the fullest.   The king of wands can also be intolerant of other people’s weaknesses.

When the king of wands appears reversed in a reading he has encountered some personal losses and defeats.  As a result, he becomes more understanding of others but begins to take a harsher stance on his view of life.

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the King of Wands. I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit Esselmont.