Monthly Archives: January 2015

The Grave of Arthur Edward Waite

Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog

Waite's grave

Waite__1910Many people have been incensed by the lack of a known grave for Pamela Colman Smith, artist of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. But how many people have made pilgrimage to the gravesite of Arthur Edward Waite? Please let us know if you have. It turns out that Waite lived in his later years and died not far from where Pixie Smith drew many of the cards for their mutual deck. For those who are interested go HERE for the location and some pictures of his grave. At least you can have a virtual look at the place where he was buried. Photo by Julia&Keld

ADDED: On the end of Waite’s grave are the words “Est Una Sola Res.” Someone asked me what these words meant. “There is only One Thing.” But, I’ll let Waite himself explain his understanding of this phrase, from his book The Hidden Church of the Holy Grail, published the same year as…

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Four of Swords – Rest

iluminati 4 of SwordsIn numerology, the number four represents structure, manifestation, stability and foundation.

Some key words for the four of swords are rest, time-out, meditation, relaxation and standstill.

It looks like due to all of the heartbreak experienced with the three of swords, it’ time to take a rest, meditate and relax!

When the four of swords  appears in a reading, it indicates that it’s time to take  a much-needed rest to still your mind and contemplate your next moves.  However, be advised that once you are rested, you will return to the world to face the normal everyday challenges of life.

When the four of swords appears reversed in a reading, it indicates that the individual’s main focus is on the everyday challenges of  life.  The individual finds it difficult to make time to rest, meditate, relax and  rejuvenate themselves because the person is caught up in certain thinking pattern which keeps that person stuck doing the same things over and over again.

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the four  of swords.   I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit Esselmont.



Three of Swords – Heart Break

tsrot illuminati 3 of swordsThe number three  in numerology represents creativity, initial achievement of goals and growth.

Some key words for the three of  swords are heartbreak, rejection, delays, sorrow, unhappiness and grief.

The three of swords is card that you really don’t want to see in a reading because it indicates heartbreak and sorrow.  In a relationship reading, the three of sword might indicate a relationship break up that is felt not only physically but mentally at a very deep level. However, understanding what caused the pain, accepting it and working through the pain can  help you recover.

When the three of swords  appears reversed in a reading,  it indicates that although you have experienced some form of heartbreak, you are not at the point where you  are starting to recover. Oddly enough, the three of swords can also indicate that you may not be doing the work that you need to for yourself and are at the risk of becoming stuck in your sorrow and pain.

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the three  of swords.   I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit Esselmont.



Two of Swords – Indecision

2 of Swords Tarot Illuminati

2 of Swords
Tarot Illuminati

The number two in numerology represents balancing,  duality, equalization, crossroad or choice and partnership.

Some key words for the two of swords are indecision, stagnation, blocked emotions, choices and stalemate.

The two of swords usually indicates in a reading that some type of difficult or painful decision needs to be made.   Instead, the individual knowingly refuses  to make a decision  choosing instead to keep both   aspects of the decision equally balanced until a decision is made.

When the two of swords  appears reversed in a reading,  it indicates that the balance of not making the decision has been lost and as a result mental confusion can occur.  The individual may  find themselves caught between a rock and  hard place and may choose not to make a decision, happily staying in a state of indecision.  Stagnation!

What are your thoughts on the two of swords?

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the two of swords.   I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit Esselmont.


Ace of Swords – Clarity of Mind / Pure Intentions

illuminatti Ace of swordsAces are equivalent to the number 1 and as such indicate very initial beginnings and are very powerful and forceful.  Aces are also raw expressions of the element that they represent.  Ace of swords  are  part of the Suite of Swords  whose  element is air.  Air  represents thoughts and intellect in the tarot. The  Ace of swords  represents the purest form of air.

Some Key Words for the Ace of swords are new beginnings, awakenings, action, conquest, mental clarity and strength in spite of diversity.

On the overall, the Ace of swords  appears in a reading, it indicates communication and thoughts and how they are used through the power of the mind. The Ace of swords could indicate the beginning thought of a project that deals with knowledge, e.g. writing a book.  The Ace of swords can also indicate an “a ha” moment which brings forth a clarity of mind,  new perspective and understanding to situations that may have seen unclear previously.

When the Ace of swords appears reversed in a reading, it indicates that  there is confusion of the mind caused by a lack of clarity,  self-doubt or distractions caused by the outside word.

For additional meanings regarding the Ace of swords, I would highly recommend, “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings” by Bridget Esselmont.

What are your thoughts on the Ace of swords?