Monthly Archives: February 2015

Seven of Swords – Underhanded and Sneaky!

illuminati tarot seven of swordsIn numerology, seven’s represent spirituality, reflection,  assessment,  discovery and knowledge.

Some key words for the seven of swords are theft, being underhanded, trickery, deception and secrets.

When the seven of swords appears in a reading it can indicate that someone is being sneaky and underhanded. You may be the person being deceptive and going behind someone’s back to manipulate a situation, or someone may be going behind your back.   If you are the individual displaying this type of behavior you might want to rethink your position.

When the seven of swords appears reversed, be careful! It indicates that any sneaky behavior and underhanded actions will eventually be revealed no matter how hard an individual tries to hide it.  Their trickery and deception will come to the light!!

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the seven of  swords. I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit


Pamela Colman Smith 1903 – The Green Sheaf

Another wonderful article regarding Pamela Coleman Smith illustrator of the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. Thank You Mary K. Greer!

Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog

I just had to add this additional piece from The Reader: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine, September, 1903, p. 331-332. (note: date corrected).

PCS-1904 The Reader Magazine

MISS Pamela Coleman Smith was born of American parents in London, where her father was at the time engaged in business. On both sides her forebears exhibited in some degree the tendencies which have brought Miss Smith to the front in literary and artistic circles. One may say that from her mother she derived an intense, individual creative desire, which very early in life began to satisfy itself in a curious sort of drawing, later developed into the style already so well known, especially in England. While she was still a child the family removed to the island of Jamaica, where she lived seven years. During the time her chief diversion, outside her drawing, was learning the West Indian negro folk-tales. A volume of this folk-lore was…

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Six of Swords – Regrettable Transition

Illuminati Tarot 6 of swordsIn numerology, six’s  represent communications, harmony,  adjustments and problem solving.

Some key words for the six of swords are transition, journey, passage, easing of stress and insight.

When the six of swords appears in a reading it can indicate that a decision was made  to transition away from troubled waters, rather it be work, love or finances, etc.

The decision to move away from troubled waters is a regrettable decision, however it’s for the best because what ever the issues were caused a great deal of stress, or was just not working out on a grande scale.   Sometimes the decision to journey from one point to another is a difficult decision, however the journey will be wort it as it will lead to calmer waters.

When the six of swords appears reversed it can mean that the decision to transition is very difficult.  It can also mean that the past has not been completely left behind, therefore the transition becomes more difficult than it should be.

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the six of  swords. I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit


Pamela Colman Smith 1912 – correspondences

Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog

With these later news articles it becomes apparent how much of Pamela Colman Smith’s work has been lost. We find a tendency among the reporters to “damn with faint praise” as Pixie moves out of the realm of neighborhood parlour entertainment and begins to be taken seriously by people like Alfred Stieglitz—always dangerous for a woman of the time. I’ve placed Pixie’s paintings-to-music here rather than in my 1907 post (when she began exhibiting them) because these news articles are more slanted toward her musical works. See also this article in Current Literature on “Pictured Music.”

Stieglitz purchased quite a few of Pixie’s paintings, which Georgia O’Keefe sold off separately soon after he died—despite his desire, stated in his will, to keep them together—amid some speculation that a decades-old jealousy was involved. The Delaware Art Museum has a few in of her works in their collection and produced an exhibit in 1975 curated by Melinda Boyd Parsons (she wrote the catalog and…

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Pamela Colman Smith 1907 – story teller

Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog

“Once in a long before time before Queen Victoria came to reign over we . . .”

This post features newspaper articles from Pixie’s 1907 visit to New York where she concentrated on presenting her Jamaican folk tales along with recitations of old English ballads and poetry by Yeats. Waite made it clear that “one other” had helped in the creation of the Tarot deck and from the accounts in these papers it is clear that she knew Yeats well. Separately I’ve learned that around this time she performed some recitals with Florence Farr, who taught Tarot to Golden Dawn initiates.

Pamela Colman Smith portrait-large

“never in the least bound down by the traditions”
Sat., Jan. 12, 1907

Miss Pamela Colman Smith, some of whose very interesting pictures are now being exhibited across the river, at 291 Fifth avenue, has recently returned to this country, after several years spent in England. Miss Smith had a…

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Five of Swords – Hostile Conflict!

tarot illuminati 5 of swordsIn numerology, five’s  are  synonymous with conflict, courage,  daring, strife, uncertainty, fear  and upheaval.

Some key words for the five of  swords are Defeat, discord and tension, betrayal, turmoil,  being in a hostile environment, and  victory through dishonor.

It’s a good thing you took the time out to rest with the four of swords. you’ll need to be rested and have a clear mind in order to deal with all of the dishonest and hostile conflict associated with the  five of swords.

When the five of swords  appears in a reading watch out!  It can indicate that someone rather it be you are someone else will go to any means necessary to be the victor. However, just be mindful that although you may have won, your victory was at a high cost.   So  ask yourself,  was it really worth it?

When the five of swords appears reversed it can mean that you are ready to stop fighting and are open to resolving any conflict so it can be placed in the past.

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the five of  swords. I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit Esselmont


Pamela Colman Smith: “out of the heart of the Heights”

Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog

“She has always been strange. There is not a page of her life, not an incident, that is not overflowing with romance.”

Pamela Smith in Private Live 1904

I’ve just discovered a lengthy article about Pamela Colman Smith in The Brooklyn Daily Eagle. New York, Tuesday, November 1, 1904. It gives many details of her large Brooklyn family (much of which I’ve left out) and describes her in terms of a hometown girl. Accompanying the article was this photograph of PCS as a very young girl.

“Winsome Witchery in London Drawing Rooms”

“Remarkable Success of a Height Girl in folk-Lore Tales”
“A Remarkable Personality”
“Pamela Coleman Smith, Closely Related to Many Prominent Brooklyn Families, and Her Strange Career”

In London drawing rooms the enthusiasm and the fashion of the hour is Pamela Coleman[sic] Smith, who, in a brilliant frock of orange with a red turban, sits on a board with two lighted candles in front of her and…

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