Category Archives: Suit of Swords

Princess of Swords – Inquisitive & Communicative Mind!

tarot illuminati princess of swordsThe Princess of Swords

The princess of swords  also know as the page of swords  depending on the tarot deck is a court card.  Court cards are part of the minor arcana and can be very difficult to decipher as they can represent many things such as personality traits of the querent,  the person the querent is inquiring about, situations, and the elements of their suit.  The element for swords is air.   I will discuss court cards in greater length in a separate  blog.

For the most part, princesses  possess a child like quality and represents youthful energy.  Princesses can also represent the beginning stages of any energies geared towards projects, idea, or feelings, especially qualities of a young student.  The princess of swords can indicate a person who is very inquisitive, witty and clever and because of this the princess of swords can enthusiastically and rapidly discard one idea or thought and move rapidly to another.

When the princess of swords appears in a reading, it can indicate a person that possesses the characteristics of the princess of swords or it can  indicate communication between people rather it be a co-worker, family members or love relationships.  The princess of swords can also simply indicate thoughts in a person’s head as they pertain to making plans, initiating projects, etc.

When the princess of swords appears reversed, it can indicate someone whose mind has become stagnated and as a result creative energy becomes  blocked.  The princess of swords can also indicate  someone who moves away from  standard ideas seeking to create their own.

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the Princess (Page) of  swords. I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit Esselmont.


Ten of Swords – Rock Bottom

tarot- iluminati 10 of swordsIn numerology, the number 10  represents completion, endings and new beginnings.

Ten e of swords  are  part of the Suite of Swords  whose  element is air.  Air  represents thoughts and intellect in the tarot.

Some key words for the ten of swords are rock bottom, back stabbed, betrayal, ruin and loss.

When the ten of  swords appears in a reading, it can indicate that an individual feels as if they have hit rock bottom and as a result feel ruined.  Any plans or goals that  the individual has set  for themselves will not turn out well when the ten of swords appears.

In addition the ten of swords might appear when a  person has been back stabbed or betrayed which leaves them feeling deeply hurt.  However the rising sunset pictured in the ten of swords tarot cards indicates that things are not as bad as they seem.  The individual will  be able to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and start anew.

When the ten of swords appears reversed in a reading in can indicate a scenario in a person’s life that did not end well.  As a result the individual has buried the pain of the event very deeply.  In order to heal they will need to revisit the pain and confront it so they can begin to heal.  The ten of sword reversed forces an individual to review their thought processes and beliefs so that they can transform for the better and open the door to new opportunities.

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the ten  of  swords. I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit Esselmont.


Nine of Swords – Anxiety!

tarot illuminati 9 of swordsIn numerology, the number 9 represents fruition attainment, bringing things to a conclusion.

Nine e of swords  are  part of the Suite of Swords  whose  element is air.  Air  represents thoughts and intellect in the tarot.

Some key words for the nine of swords are anxiety, fear, worry, sleeplessness, and abuse.

The nine of swords appearing in a reading indicates a person who is fraught with worry and anxiety caused by everyday life.  This individual may have a lot of negative thoughts about themselves. Sometimes the individual might  be making a  bigger issue out of things when the issues are really smaller issues.  The nine of swords when surrounded by other cards such as the ten of swords, tower or devil tarot cards might also indicate mental illness.   Also, the nine of swords could also indicate that a person may have problems sleeping due to nightmares caused by anxiety.

When the nine of  swords appears reversed in a reading, the individual is no longer focused on their internal anxiety.  However, the individual is actually focusing negativity onto other people which as a result causes fear and anxiety in others.

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the nine  of  swords. I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit Esselmont.


Eight of Swords – Prison of the Mind!

tarot iluminati eight of swordsIn numerology, eight’s  represent action, change, movement and accomplishment and  attainment.

Some key words for the eight of swords are  victim mentality, bondage, obstacles, prison and lack of clarity.

When the eight of swords appears in a reading, it can indicate a state of mind where the person feels trapped or imprisoned based on some type of though patterns.  The eight of swords can also indicate that the person is stuck in a situation that they would like to get out of but there are no options available to do so are the options available may not be the right solutions.  However, the individuals feelings of being imprisoned or trapped may be self imposed.  With the 8 of swords, there is always a great possibility that the individual could  break out of their victim mentality by simply changing the way they think.

When eight of swords appears reversed in a reading in can indicate that the person has regained some clarity of though and is able to resolve the situation or  walk away from it.  The eight of swords appearing reversed in a reading can also mean that the restrictions holding the individual back have been lifted.

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the eight of  swords. I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit Esselmont.


Seven of Swords – Underhanded and Sneaky!

illuminati tarot seven of swordsIn numerology, seven’s represent spirituality, reflection,  assessment,  discovery and knowledge.

Some key words for the seven of swords are theft, being underhanded, trickery, deception and secrets.

When the seven of swords appears in a reading it can indicate that someone is being sneaky and underhanded. You may be the person being deceptive and going behind someone’s back to manipulate a situation, or someone may be going behind your back.   If you are the individual displaying this type of behavior you might want to rethink your position.

When the seven of swords appears reversed, be careful! It indicates that any sneaky behavior and underhanded actions will eventually be revealed no matter how hard an individual tries to hide it.  Their trickery and deception will come to the light!!

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the seven of  swords. I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit


Six of Swords – Regrettable Transition

Illuminati Tarot 6 of swordsIn numerology, six’s  represent communications, harmony,  adjustments and problem solving.

Some key words for the six of swords are transition, journey, passage, easing of stress and insight.

When the six of swords appears in a reading it can indicate that a decision was made  to transition away from troubled waters, rather it be work, love or finances, etc.

The decision to move away from troubled waters is a regrettable decision, however it’s for the best because what ever the issues were caused a great deal of stress, or was just not working out on a grande scale.   Sometimes the decision to journey from one point to another is a difficult decision, however the journey will be wort it as it will lead to calmer waters.

When the six of swords appears reversed it can mean that the decision to transition is very difficult.  It can also mean that the past has not been completely left behind, therefore the transition becomes more difficult than it should be.

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the six of  swords. I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit


Five of Swords – Hostile Conflict!

tarot illuminati 5 of swordsIn numerology, five’s  are  synonymous with conflict, courage,  daring, strife, uncertainty, fear  and upheaval.

Some key words for the five of  swords are Defeat, discord and tension, betrayal, turmoil,  being in a hostile environment, and  victory through dishonor.

It’s a good thing you took the time out to rest with the four of swords. you’ll need to be rested and have a clear mind in order to deal with all of the dishonest and hostile conflict associated with the  five of swords.

When the five of swords  appears in a reading watch out!  It can indicate that someone rather it be you are someone else will go to any means necessary to be the victor. However, just be mindful that although you may have won, your victory was at a high cost.   So  ask yourself,  was it really worth it?

When the five of swords appears reversed it can mean that you are ready to stop fighting and are open to resolving any conflict so it can be placed in the past.

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the five of  swords. I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit Esselmont



Four of Swords – Rest

iluminati 4 of SwordsIn numerology, the number four represents structure, manifestation, stability and foundation.

Some key words for the four of swords are rest, time-out, meditation, relaxation and standstill.

It looks like due to all of the heartbreak experienced with the three of swords, it’ time to take a rest, meditate and relax!

When the four of swords  appears in a reading, it indicates that it’s time to take  a much-needed rest to still your mind and contemplate your next moves.  However, be advised that once you are rested, you will return to the world to face the normal everyday challenges of life.

When the four of swords appears reversed in a reading, it indicates that the individual’s main focus is on the everyday challenges of  life.  The individual finds it difficult to make time to rest, meditate, relax and  rejuvenate themselves because the person is caught up in certain thinking pattern which keeps that person stuck doing the same things over and over again.

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the four  of swords.   I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit Esselmont.



Three of Swords – Heart Break

tsrot illuminati 3 of swordsThe number three  in numerology represents creativity, initial achievement of goals and growth.

Some key words for the three of  swords are heartbreak, rejection, delays, sorrow, unhappiness and grief.

The three of swords is card that you really don’t want to see in a reading because it indicates heartbreak and sorrow.  In a relationship reading, the three of sword might indicate a relationship break up that is felt not only physically but mentally at a very deep level. However, understanding what caused the pain, accepting it and working through the pain can  help you recover.

When the three of swords  appears reversed in a reading,  it indicates that although you have experienced some form of heartbreak, you are not at the point where you  are starting to recover. Oddly enough, the three of swords can also indicate that you may not be doing the work that you need to for yourself and are at the risk of becoming stuck in your sorrow and pain.

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the three  of swords.   I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit Esselmont.



Two of Swords – Indecision

2 of Swords Tarot Illuminati

2 of Swords
Tarot Illuminati

The number two in numerology represents balancing,  duality, equalization, crossroad or choice and partnership.

Some key words for the two of swords are indecision, stagnation, blocked emotions, choices and stalemate.

The two of swords usually indicates in a reading that some type of difficult or painful decision needs to be made.   Instead, the individual knowingly refuses  to make a decision  choosing instead to keep both   aspects of the decision equally balanced until a decision is made.

When the two of swords  appears reversed in a reading,  it indicates that the balance of not making the decision has been lost and as a result mental confusion can occur.  The individual may  find themselves caught between a rock and  hard place and may choose not to make a decision, happily staying in a state of indecision.  Stagnation!

What are your thoughts on the two of swords?

Want a more comprehensive interpretation of the 78 tarot cards which includes the two of swords.   I highly recommend “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”, by Brigit Esselmont.